Friday, April 27, 2012

Workouts of 2012

So I began this little addiction called Bikram yoga. 90 minutes of torture or 90 minutes of pure detoxing and lean muscle building bliss? BOTH. I absolutely love it. This yoga is no joke and be prepared. It works. It makes you lean, flexible and thin. Along with a clean diet and alot of dedication this practice is the absolute of yoga. Your Skin will also turn from blah to fabulous. I did a 30 day challenge the first month. The second month I went 5xs per week and my third month I was in attendance every other day. I'm now on my fourth month and May1 I will begin another 30 day challenge.

Back to blogging!

Ok after a short year away from my blog. I'm back. So first let's update on life. Kids are a year older. I'm a year older and that's pretty much the big update. Kidding! I've started new workout routines and I'm a cold pressed juice drinking machine! I have a few new favorite colors and I'm still married!